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Program Overview

School of the Spirit is a Bible & Ministry Training School located in Swansea, MA. Classes are available during the day as well as the evening and may be taken full-time or at your own pace. Courses range from understanding the basics of scripture and Bible study, to growing in relationship with God & others, and what it means to live a life of surrender.

The school year consists of two semesters, Fall and Spring. Each class meets once a week, for 12 weeks.


Class Schedule

School of the Spirit offers classes Monday through Thursday to fit a variety of schedules - with daytime and evening classes available most days. To view this semester's schedule, click here.


We believe growth comes by transformation, and transformation takes place through relationship with God and revelation of His Word. In Romans 12:1 & 2, Paul exhorts us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice (relationship) and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (revelation). As a first year student you will grow in intimacy with God through in-depth Bible study and learning to walk in the Spirit.


  1. Biblical Essentials - Basics of Bible Doctrines 

  2. The Power Is In The Gospel - Knowing Your Authority in Christ

  3. Your finances, God’s way

  4. Yielding & Finding Purpose - Learning to Hear God

  5. Spiritual Disciplines - Christian Living

  6. Holy Spirit 101 - Role of The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church

  7. The Heart of Evangelism - Living the "Good News"

  8. Biblical Worldview



One of the Greek descriptions for the word learn implies “use and practice.” We believe the best way to reinforce the knowledge you have gained in the first year is to provide you with opportunities to use and practice your understanding, skills and gifts in the classroom as well as in your life. As a second year student you will learn to apply the realities of your faith to daily living and ministry.


  1. Pentateuch - Understanding the Eternal Impact of the First 5 Books of the Bible

  2. Love Letters - Revelations of the New Covenant

  3. The Nature of Worship - The What, Why and How of Worship

  4. Questions of the 7 Feasts

  5. Living Tabernacle - A Model for Worship

  6. Prophecy I - Role of Prophecy in The New Testament Church

  7. Bible Overview

  8. Last Day Events



A life of faith must be firmly established through a "Kingdom Mindset". As a third year student you will build upon your identity in Christ and the first two years of your study by developing a Kingdom Mindset. We believe "The Mind of Christ" is essential to seeing the Lord's will and Kingdom established on Earth.


  1. Life In Ministry

  2. Ethics

  3. Prophecy II

  4. Spiritual Warfare

  5. Kingdom Blueprint

  6. Worship & The Integration of Heaven and Earth

  7. Apostolic Order

  8. Kingdom Business





Called to, Cared for, and Covered under


Creating Ministries

& Culture


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